IDOC actively shares industry-focused articles, blog posts, podcasts, videos and other thought leadership with our members and other optometric practitioners. Below, you will find links to our growing library of educational materials and multi-media assets written and created by IDOC's team of seasoned industry experts.
Ximara Vega | 1/14/2021

Every year people tend to make goals for the upcoming new year. Somehow a new year inspires others to reinvent themselves in some way and like most initiatives, they lose their luster after a few weeks. I was supposed have rock hard abs like 3 years in a row. If ever we have met, then you know I am not even close. There is a reason why many of us fall short when it comes to the lofty goals we set. The path to success is missing. The desire for real change is missing. We realize how hard it is to abandon our old habits and come up with excuses as to why what we set out to accomplish is impossible or unnecessary. For instance, I have jumped on the “love my curves” bandwagon although I know that there are days that I cry at the sight of my reflection. This doesn’t only apply to personal goals!!!!

Steps to ensure your practice is set up for success:

  • Identify initiatives and/or targets for the period
    • Given the tumultuous turn of events last year, I recommend identifying quarterly growth trends and revenue totals to set quarterly growth targets for your practice
    • Create additional goals to help influence behavior within areas of opportunity. Below are things that come to mind; not all of them will apply to your practice.
      • Premium AR
      • Blue Light
      • Transitions
      • Multiple pair sales
      • Capture rate
      • Prescription sun
      • Neurolenses
      • Care Credit
      • CL Annual supply sales
      • Dry eye treatments
      • Vision Therapy packages
      • Supplements
  • Develop an incentive plan
    • Think back to what you have done in the past, how long ago your last incentive structure was in place, staff in the practice at that time and the results generated
      • Incentives do not have to be monetary
  • Pave the way for success
    • Having goals in place is fantastic, but you must provide the tools needed to achieve those goals
      • Communicate
      • Educate
      • Coach
      • Hold staff accountable
  • Refresh
    • Take a look at your optical and ask yourself the following questions: Is your pricing, product positioning, product flow and signage in synch? Does the aesthetic of your optical align with the messaging you’d like to deliver? How long has it been since you have made changes to your pricing? When is the last time you have changed the positioning of the products in your optical? Do you have any products on your frame boards that have not sold in 6 months or more? How about understock?
      • Products
      • Pricing
      • Floorplan
      • Signage
  • Build excitement!!!
    • Share progress and celebrate regularly

Goals are necessary to motivate and inspire change so let’s work to ensure you take the steps needed for success within your practice.


Ximara Vega
Merchandising Manager
Ximara is an ABO Certified Optician and lecturer with over a decade of experience in both consumer relations and staff management in the optical industry. As an Optical Management Consultant with IDOC, she works with practices to develop processes designed to motivate and inspire positive change in areas such as staff training, goal setting, sales and inventory management. For insight into her approach feel free to read her IDOC blogs and the articles she has written for Pentavision's Optometric Management Tip of the Week.
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